Creating Low Poly Trees in 3ds Max 在3ds Max中创建低多边树
在3ds Max中创建低多边树
了解如何创建逼真的多边形模型,以便在您选择的游戏引擎中使用。在本课程中,在3ds Max中创建低多边形树,您将学习用于创建低多边形模型,无缝纹理以及为实际树使用不透明度贴图所使用的工作流程。首先,您将学习如何使用路径变形修改器对树干基础网格和分支进行建模。接下来,您将学习如何使用Adobe Photoshop和xNormal生成漫反射不透明度和法线贴图。然后,您将学习如何使用生成的地图为基础网格和树叶上的应用创建高级材质。最后,您将学习如何使用路径约束将树叶应用于基础网格并修复树叶顶点模型以获得更好的着色。到本课程结束时,您将了解创建低多边形,逼真的基于叶子的模型所需的正确建模和纹理技术。所需软件:3ds Max,Photoshop,xNormal。
Duration 1h 37m Project Files Included MP4
Creating Low Poly Trees in 3ds Max
Learn how to create realistic poly models for use in your game engine of your choice. In this course, Creating Low Poly Trees in 3ds Max, you’ll learn the workflows used in creating low-poly models, seamless textures, and using opacity maps for a realistic tree. First, you’ll learn how to model the tree trunk base mesh and branches using the path deform modifier. Next, you’ll learn how to use Adobe Photoshop and xNormal to generate diffuse specular opacity and normal maps. Then, you’ll learn how to use the generated maps to create advanced materials for application on the base mesh and foliage. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply foliage to the base mesh using a path constraint and fixing the foliage vertex models for better shading. By the end of this course, you’ll have an understanding of the correct modeling and texturing techniques required to create low-poly, realistic, foliage-based models. Required Software: 3ds Max, Photoshop, xNormal.
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