Houdini粒子系统完全大师课程(双语字幕)Learn Squared – Houdini Particles by Adam Swaab
Houdini ParticlesInstructor – Adam SwaabCourse Overview
Simulating particles might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Under the guidance of VFX veteran Adam Swaab, you’ll create a fully-featured particle system from scratch. Learn the ins and outs of Houdini’s robust tools for dynamics to achieve incredible simulations which would be impossible using keyframes alone.NOTE: It is recommended that students have a basic understanding of Houdini before signing up for this course. Adam’s Houdini Procedural Foundations course is a great place to get started!
模拟光束可能看起来很复杂,但并非必须如此。 在VFX资深人士Adam Swaab的指导下,您将从零开始创建一个功能齐全的粒子系统。 了解Houdini强大的动态工具的来龙去脉,实现难以置信的模拟,单独使用关键帧是不可能的。注意:建议学生在注册本课程之前对Houdini有基本的了解。 Adam’s Houdini Procedural Foundations课程是一个开始的好地方!
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