Maya快捷键插件工具 -Zoo Tools Pro v1.4.2 for Maya 2017 2018 2019 Win
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Zoo Tools Pro的前身是C3dC Prefs,是Maya的一个小工具插件,包含多个快捷键功能、设置等,夜泊傲寒小工具、灯光预设、HDR、模型预设等,支持Maya 2017/2018/2019
Zoo Tools Pro also previously known as the C3dC Prefs are a suite of Maya tools, hotkeys, and settings that will maximise your workflow in Maya.
Zoo Tools Pro的前身是C3dC Prefs,是Maya的一个小工具插件,包含多个快捷键功能、设置等,夜泊傲寒小工具、灯光预设、HDR、模型预设等,支持Maya 2017/2018/2019
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